Our Staff

Maggie Toupin, Executive Director
Hannah Shaw, Client Services
Christina Domer, Adoption Services
Leah Fry, Volunteer Coordinator

CPO Leadership Team 
While CPO does have a small payroll to ensure that our center is staffed at all times the majority of CPO services are still provided by volunteers. Our leadership team puts in countless hours to serve our mothers and equip our families.

Jennifer Brown, Birthmother Advocate
Rhonda Fisher, Waiting and Adoptive Family Mentor
Kris Panter, Birthmother Advocate
Marie Treat, Family Mentor and Client Events
Kristin White, Fundraising and Special Events
Kate Wicar, Waiting and Adoptive Family Mentor
Social Work Interns Supervised by Julie Likins, LCSW
Kimberly Stratmann, Doula Services

Board Members
Dr. Steven Katsis, President
Vice President
Claire Paulson, Treasurer
Rhonda Fisher, Secretary
Titus Schmitt, Pastoral Member
Cheryl Bauman, Founder
Natalie Webb, Member
Stephanie Johnson, Member
Joanna Shrewsbury, Member
Monty Woods, Member